Second Hand Aquarium EquipmentThis page contains links to second hand, (Pre-Loved), aquarium equipment that has been authorised by management of Marine Boutique, to be advertised for sale on this site as a service to our "Club Marine Boutique" members, please read our "Website Terms & Conditions", in particular please see sections 12, 13, & 14. Typically the equipment offered, contains no warranty by Marine Boutique or the seller, but occasionally some items may still possess a portion of a manufacturer's warranty or guarantee, (although some manufacturers' warranties are not transferable), and in some cases sellers can and may still offer their own warranty. Prices listed are for CASH or DIRECT DEPOSIT only and usually payable to the seller directly. There are some cases where payment can be made directly to Marine Boutique Pty Ltd that is accepted on behalf of the seller, but only with prior arrangement by the seller and Marine Boutique. In these cases payments can be made via CASH, EFTPOS or credit card but some of these payment methods will incur a further transaction fee, typically 2.8% for EFTPOS, Visa and Mastercard to cover Marine Boutique for any percentages charged by the credit card companies. Marine Boutique does not and will not enter into haggling with pricing between the seller and the purchaser. To sell your secondhand aquarium equipment here you must be a current member of "Club Marine Boutique" and email us a photo, description of the goods and a fair assessment of their condition, pricing and any warranty offered. Tanks | Cabinets | Pumps | Filters | Fish | Corals | Anenomes | Inverts |
======================================================================= Club Marine Boutique Membership Number: 2087-081017-01 Date Posted: 22nd Nov 2012 Description of Item Offered: Fish Tank. Brand: AquaOne Model: AR-620 The tank is approximately 3 years old and has fairly new blue-white lights installed. Overall in good condition with only a few scratches on the glass. Price includes a heater, pump and thermometer. The tank is empty and has been cleaned for transportation.
Images of Item: 
Warranties Offered: None Condition of Item: EXCELLENT Sale Status of Item: For Sale Selling Price: $100 Approximate Age of Item: 3 Year Location of Goods for viewing: Killarney Heights NSW Pickup or Delivery options: Pickup Contact Information: Nathan Email: ======================================================================= Club Marine Boutique Membership Number: 2087-110212-01 Date Posted: 12th Aug 2012 Description of Item Offered: Fish Tank. Brand: Jewel Model: 4ft RIO 300 = 1210L x 510W x 660H This tank is a approx 3 years old, in excellent condition and is all setup with Marine live rock, no fish but running presently and ready to go with cabinet, T5 Lighting, Fluval 202 Canister. Moving interstate so looking to sell ASAP. Images of Item: 
This temporary picture shows a similar tank, not the actual tank in operation at home, We will post the proper picture soon. Warranties Offered: None Condition of Item: EXCELLENT Sale Status of Item: For Sale Selling Price: $500 Approximate Age of Item: 3 Year - Aug 09 Location of Goods for viewing: Dee Why NSW Pickup or Delivery options: Pickup from my home Contact Information: Rod (Marine Boutique) 02 9037 1304 Email: ======================================================================= Club Marine Boutique Membership Number: 2087-110212-01 Date Posted: 12th Dec 2011 Description of Item Offered: Fish Tank. Brand: UNKNOWN Model: 3ft Cube Tank = 900L x 900W x 600H This is a fairly new tank, and is all setup ready to go with surface skimming wier. Images of Item: 
This picture shows the tank in operation at home. Warranties Offered: None Condition of Item: EXCELLENT Sale Status of Item: For Sale Selling Price: $POA Approximate Age of Item: 1 Year - Aug 09 Location of Goods for viewing: Freshwater NSW Pickup or Delivery options: Pickup from my home Contact Information: Tricia Email: ======================================================================= Club Marine Boutique Membership Number: 2087-080108-01 Date Posted: 30- Oct 2010 Description of Item Offered: Fish Tank. Brand: Aquarworld Model: 2ft = 610L x 305W x 380H This is a fairly new tank, just one year old and has been used for keepin tropical fish and plants. It comes with a Aqua-one hang-on filter and thermometer, fish, gravel, and heater. Images of Item:

This picture shows the tank in operation at home. Warranties Offered: None Condition of Item: Good Sale Status of Item: For Sale Selling Price: $125 Approximate Age of Item: 1 Year - Aug 09 Location of Goods for viewing: Killarney Heights Pickup or Delivery options: Pickup from my home or Marine Boutique Contact Information: Amanda or Georgie on 0413 949 140 Email: ================================================================================================= Club Marine Boutique Membership Number: 2087-250208-03 Date Posted: 30- Sep 2010 Description of Item Offered: Fish Tank. Brand: Aqua-Medic Model: Percula 440Litre This is a brand New Aqua-Medic Percula Reef tank in Beach that was installed by Marine Boutique in a customers house and run for 3 month when the owner tragically became very ill and we had to remove the tank as he needed to sell the house to move closer to his medical team. This the top of the line saltwater tank and has halide lighting and built in sump and skimmer with Bio-filter. It comes with heater, pumps, Hanging Halide lights, Skimmer, 2 x current pumps, cabinet, the lot with many other accessories. Just add Water and live stock, everything is like new. This Tank was $4900 new Images of Item: SOLD
Warranties Offered: None Condition of Item: Like New Sale Status of Item: Sold Selling Price: $3000 Approximate Age of Item: 3 Months Use and back to Shop due to illness Location of Goods for viewing: Killarney Heights Pickup or Delivery options: Pickup from Marine Boutique Contact Information: Rod (Marine Boutique) 02 9037 1304 ======================================================================= Club Marine Boutique Membership Number: 2087-MDECURE-01 Date Posted: 27- Sep 2010 Description of Item Offered: Fish Tank. Brand: Model: AR980 This is a Silver Aqua-One AR980 tank that has been is service for 1-2 years as a saltwater tank and has in-built lighting and filter. It comes with 2 x heaters, coral sand and some live rock (approx 7Kgs) Images of Item: SOLD
This picture shows the cabinet which will be available for 1 more week from McMahons Point pickup but is damaged and has no real value. Warranties Offered: None Condition of Item: Good Sale Status of Item: Sold Selling Price: $350 Approximate Age of Item: 2-3 Years Location of Goods for viewing: Killarney Heights Pickup or Delivery options: Pickup from Marine Boutique Contact Information: Rod (Marine Boutique) 02 9037 1304 ======================================================================= Club Marine Boutique Membership Number: 2087-010707-01 Date Posted: 30-Mar 2011 Description of Item Offered: 4 x Halide Light Unit. Brand: Aqua-Medic Model: 4ft Aqua Sunlight NG 120 These are second hand light unit used on a 3000 Litre tank and now replaced by new LED light systems. They are 2 x 250W Halide + 2 x 54W T5 actinic tubes with the electronic version ballasts not the standard inductive models. They are approx 3 years old and some units have intermittent ballasts and therefore may need new ballasts fitted for the fluro T5 actinic tubes but they are not expensive at all, less than $100 from memory. Pretty sure all the tubes are new as they were replaced in case the intermittent fault was the tubes. When I found the new tubes didnt fix some problems I bit the bullett and replaced all 4 units. a better price of $1500 for all 4 will be done if all units sold at the same time, They comes with a Aqua-Medic tubes, stainless steel hanging kit as removed from their installed location power cords working globes and tubes. Images of Item: 

This picture shows the tank in operation at home. Warranties Offered: None Condition of Item: Good Sale Status of Item: For Sale Selling Price: $500.00 each Cost Price New: $3500 Approximate Age of Item: 3 Years - Feb 08 Location of Goods for viewing: Killarney Heights Pickup or Delivery options: Pickup from Marine Boutique Contact Information: Marine Boutique Phone:
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======================================================================= Club Marine Boutique Membership Number: 2087-100411-01 Date Posted: 10-04-2011 Description of Item Offered: Fish Tank. Brand: Custom Built (Strictly) Model: 4ft Marine Approx 450Litre with sump This is a 450Litre fully working tank purchased new in December 2003 for $2400 and has been running for 3 years and then garaged until now. The tank is in perfect condition with bo signs of wood swelling, no water leaks and all silicone joins still seem perfect. This was setup as a Marine tank and has sump and bio-balls below, It comes with 4 working fluro installed and we have 3 spare tubes you can take with it. Selling because we just dont use it or have the room in the house today. Cabinet solid wood, (Not Veneer) built on a timber frame with 2 front opening doors (Divider in the middle) Tank dimentions are : 1.27M Long x 0.49M Wide x 0.58M High. Images of Item: Warranties Offered: None Condition of Item: Like New Sale Status of Item: For Sale Selling Price: $900 Approximate Age of Item: 6 1/2 Years , only 3 years used. Location of Goods for viewing: Cromer Heights Pickup or Delivery options: Cromer Heights Contact Information: Karen 0426 838 880 or Marine Boutique on 02 9037 1304 ask for Rod =======================================================================
======================================================================= Club Marine Boutique Membership Number: 2087-010707-01 Date Posted: 1- Dec 2010 Description of Item Offered: Chiller. Brand: TECO - HAILEA - ARTIC Model: All Models Marine Boutique has a number of 2nd hand chillers from either trade-ins or upgrades . As we are an authorised service & repair centre for a number of brands of chillers, we often get people returning their chillers for repair or re-gas and maybe deciding to cut their losses and spend their money on a new chiller with warranty that they can walk out with immediately rather than wait for us to repair the old one. Images of Item:

Pricing for these units will be dictated by the condition and serviceability. We have many units that vary from perfect condition as new to knocked about to only good for spare parts. Some people may prefer to buy a broken unit to use for parts to fix their own, (something we also do), as opposed to buying a second hand chiller that has been serviced and running perfectly. Nearly all aquarium chillers do not have service valves, so most people dont realise they can have us fit a service valve and then the unit can be re-gased which we often do. This can be a little labour intensive and requires new gas and a few new parts installed but once done these units perform perfectly as new unless otherwise stated. Some units may not have taps included but we carry a large range of HANSEN fittings that can be used to attach the hoses and pump. Each unit sold as working comes with a performance graph and or table to show its chilling capabilities and if we have serviced it we provide a warranty on all our work. Warranties Offered: None Condition of Item: Good Sale Status of Item: For Sale Selling Price: $100 - 1000 Approximate Age of Item: 1-4 Years QTY: 4 Left Location of Goods for viewing: Killarney Heights Pickup or Delivery options: Pickup from Marine Boutique Contact Information: 02 9037 1304 Email: See Marine Boutique Contact Page |